Monday, October 12, 1998

Columbus Day Parade March

Brent and David marched up Fifth Avenue through the heart of Manhattan with dozens of others as part of the New York New York Stake's participation in New York's annual Columbus Day Parade. The Church News and the Ensign covered the stake's march. Here's the Ensign's report:

More than 150 members of the New York New York Stake marched in New York City’s annual Columbus Day Parade on 12 October. Led by drummers and people with banners displaying the name of the Church, the members carried 128 flags from nations all over the world and in some cases wore traditional dress from various nations. “Our participation was one of the most visible activities of the Church in Manhattan,” said stake president Brent J. Belnap. “In a very tasteful way, I believe, we tapped into the tremendous variety of our membership and shared the message that we are a worldwide church.”

Ensign, "News of the Church," January 1999

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