Both David and Christopher were interviewed for a news story that appeared on WABC Channel 7 Eyewitness News. The online story text is reproduced below (which doesn't include Christopher's video comments):
MTA approves 'Doomsday' budget plan
(Jim Dolan, Wednesday, December 16,2009)
NEW YORK (WABC) -- The cuts to the MTA budget are not surgical, they are thermonuclear.
"There is a frustration that people have that we are paying more and more and getting less and less," said one disgruntled straphanger.
The service slashing approved by the MTA Wednesday included the elimination of the W and Z trains, cuts to 21 bus routes, some to be eliminated all together, severe limits on access a ride passes for senior citizens, and the phase out of student bus passes.
That will force children to pay for their own transportation to school, for some, a thousand dollars a year or more.
"Honestly I couldn't get to school and I also feel a bit angry. There's a few other ways the MTA can tackle this," said student David Belnap. "The state and city should be funding school transit passes, those obviously cannot go away. It's not a burden that the MTA should be shouldering," explained Neysa Pranger of the Regional Plan Association.
Wednesday the Governor said he would find a way to fund student bus passes, but that doesn't fix the larger problem of funding the MTA. One idea that is resurfacing is congestion pricing, the concept of making anyone who wants to drive in most of Manhattan, pay big money for the privilege, which would raise more than half a billion dollars a year, much of it for the MTA. "It's happening other places around the world. People are embracing the technology, it's something that's going to come to New York and we should think about doing it sooner rather than later," said Pranger.
WABC TV Channel 7: MTA and Students
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